Art, Design Technology and Music

How we teach Art and Design 

Our pupils have access to a creative and varied art and design curriculum. Pupils learn to appreciate and develop their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture, using a range of media. Children learn about a wide range of artists and study key aspects of their style and technique. Pupils are given time to practise and embed specific skills before using these in their own final pieces. Pupils are supported to reflect upon, respond to and evaluate both their own work and the work of others.  

How we teach Design and Technology  

 In Design & Technology lessons children learn about the design process and are able to problem solve creatively. Pupils are given a specific design brief and then spend time researching existing products, learning how things work. They then use this information to develop designs, create prototypes and harness their own ideas. Pupils gain experience in using specific tools and techniques and build their ability to evaluate their own products, adapting their work as they go. 

At Collingwood we are very aware that most of our children's geographical and cultural knowledge is limited to where they have been on holiday.  In order to address this, some of our art/design contexts make reference to a local or unfamiliar international source. 

Information about your child's learning in art and design this term can be found on their class page on this website.

Copy of Art / DT Curriculum Map

How we teach Music

Information about your child's learning in music this term can be found in their "Supporting Learning Book" which should be kept in their book bag or on their class page on this website.

website Copy of Collingwood Music curriculum

What we teach in music