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Our Vision Statement
At Collingwood children and adults work together in a safe, well disciplined, exciting environment where all pupils feel valued and are expected to make good or outstanding progress.
Our staff, pupils and parents have high expectations and ensure that pupils produce work of increasing quality, develop their individual strengths, achieve their personal goals and challenges and realise their full potential as lifelong learners and responsible citizens in our global community.
“We live our lives with arms and minds wide open”
At Collingwood primary school we believe our core values are very important so these form a huge part of our school ethos and are used throughout the Collingwood Family.
We consulted children, parents, staff and governors in order to create our REACH vales. It stands for;
R – Respect
E - Equality
A – Achieve
C – Cooperate
H - Happy
After a competition to design our ’REACH' logo this is proudly displayed on our books and around the building as a reminder to everyone in the Collingwood Family.
Adults and children reward others for demonstrating REACH in our special weekly celebration assemblies.
Our Uniform
We feel strongly that uniform should be affordable to all so work with a number of suppliers but are equally happy if parents choose to buy from supermarkets or make use of our good quality Pre-loved items (please ask at our office). We do not insist that pupils wear uniform bearing the school logo, plain navy and white is fine but we do have lots of inexpensive or free pre-loved items if you prefer...please ask at the office. Logo items can be ordered using the links below. (School receives 5% funds of all uniforms purchased through these websites.) or
If your child has grown and you have some good quality items that may benefit someone else, please hand them into our office. Thank you.
If items are named, they do tend to find their way back to their owner eventually if lost. If not named, they probably will have no idea how many items we have that look exactly the same.
Winter uniform (worn after October half term until the Easter break):
Navy tailored trousers, skirt or pinafore dress with a white collared cotton shirt, school tie and a navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo.)
Summer Uniform (worn after the Easter Break until October half term):
Navy tailored shorts, trousers or skirt with a white short sleeved polo shirt or cotton tailored shirt (no ties) Navy sweatshirts or cardigans are optional. Navy and white checked dresses or all in one checked culottes are also acceptable. (checked all over please, not checked skirts or tops).
Footwear: One colour, non-slip, black, brown or navy “leather look” shoes (heels must be covered) Wellingtons can be worn to school then changed for inside. Trainers may be worn at playtimes and for P.E. but adults will ask that these are changed once inside the building. Children regularly wearing incorrect footwear will be provided with pre-loved plimsolls.
Other items:
Hair accessories should be simple and black, white, brown or blue in colour. Children will be asked to remove anything else.
All children (yes, even Years 5 and 6!) require a navy book bag (with or without a Collingwood logo)
Simple watches that do no more than tell the time and small stud earrings can be worn only on the understanding that this is at the owners own risk. Pupils need to be able to remove their own earrings as staff are not allowed to do this for them and taping over earrings is unsafe. Any child wearing earrings will miss out on PE and other physical activity until they are removed. Since this is a statutory requirement, children should not therefore have their ears pierced at any time other than the end of July as these will need to be removed before they have healed.
Items worn for religious reasons should be plain, in keeping with school colours and should be removed during P.E. unless the Headteacher has given permission following consultation with parents/carers.
PE kit
black shorts and a plain round necked white t-shirt (not a polo shirt as we cannot tell if children have changed!), with plimsolls or trainers.
In colder weather plain black, jogging bottoms and a zip up black or navy top or our optional school logo tracksuit or logo fleece are acceptable.
These should be kept in either a Collingwood logo draw string bag (available from the link above) or a very small named rucksack. We are not able to accommodate larger bags and these are not conducive to pupil’s back health and these will be left outside!
The School Day - start and finish times
All of our pupils attend school for 32.5 hours per week in line with Government guidelines.
Teaching Time excluding registration, assembly and breaks is as follows:
EYFS and Key Stage 1 ( Yrs 1 and 2): 21 hours 15 minutes per week
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 , 4, 5 and 6): 23 hours 45 minutes time per week
There is a 15 minute break during the morning for all children and another in the afternoon for pupils in KS1. E.Y.F.S. pupils go outside in their own play area throughout the day.
School Morning session: 8:55 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Children walk into school with their teacher or Learning Support Assistant at 8.50 am. The register is taken at 8:55 am, any child arriving after this will be recorded as “Late” and should be “signed in” via the office.
School Afternoon session: 1:10 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 Have an extra playtime at some point during the afternoon.
Breakfast Club is available from 7:00 am to 8.50 am and After School Club, from 3:20 until 6:00 pm (booked and paid for in advance)

The Snack Shack
Collingwood pupils run their very own shop!
The Learning Ambassadors, who are representative from each class, held meetings to discuss how to encourage children to eat more healthily and came up with the idea of a ‘The Snack Shack’.
This is open every day at playtime and is a place where anyone can come and choose a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat. There is no cost for this and a selection is always available to choose from.
As you can see, this is very popular with all of the children.