Events Gallery
Check out what your children have been up to on our ever changing 'Events Gallery' .
December 2024
Our choir visited Tyler's Ride Residential Care home and Hamilton Residential home to sing and perform a number of Christmas carols. The children and residents all really enjoyed listening and singing along to all of the songs. At Hamilton Court residential home the children were even surprised with a visit from Father Christmas.
December 2024
Our whole school enjoyed a festive Christmas lunch and a fun Christmas jumper day. Lots of fun was had by all!
November 2024
In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we welcomed our parents / carers to come and participate in a maths workshop with the children. They had lots of fun learning about how to support their children with maths.
November 2024
Year 2 immersed themselves into learning all about The Great Fire London. We found out what life was like in 17th century London, what jobs people did, how the fire started, why it spread so quickly and how London has changed since the devastating fire in 1666.
We welcomed some guests into school to show everyone our learning, we sang, read and recreated Tudor houses. It was a fun morning!
November 2024
Our amazing Dodgeball team competed in the Partnership Dodgeball Competition hosted by William De Ferrer School. It was a competitive tournament with many matches played. Our children had a great time representing our school. Well done!
November 2024
On the 21st November our children took part in the Sports Hall Athletics tournament hosted by William De Ferrers. Activities included chest pushes, vertical jumps, long jumps, triple jumps, and some running. Everyone had a great time and we had a few first places - well done to Maidie, Sebby and Theo! We came 3rd overall!
October 2024
Some children went to WDF to take part in an Active Essex Panathalon. We participated in a range of different activities and worked well as a team to get as many points as we could. We had great fun!
September 2024
Our first tournament of the year was a football event at William De Ferrers. We played very well, winning 3 out of our 5 games. Overall, we came 3rd in South Woodham.
The Aviation Heritage Trust arrived with their simulators and the children all got to have a turn at experiencing what life would be like for a WW1 pilot back in 1914. Everyone in Year 5 and 6 loved it and couldn't believe how realistic it felt being in the cockpit. They also wrote some wonderful poems onto seeded paper, which will be dropped over Northern France, along with similar poems written by children in France and Germany to show how we are united in bringing peace for future generations.
Y6 participated in a Natwest MoneySense workshop this morning called ‘Save Our Pennies - Save Our Planet’. We looked at different forms of energy (renewable and non-renewable) and the activities and appliances in the home that use energy. We then calculated the cost of using some of these. The children all received a goodie bag and certificate.
‘We learnt how to save money in the home and use ideas to use less energy.’
‘We looked at appliances and calculated how much money they cost to run’.
‘We learned that it is important to save money and also how to save energy.
Sports Day was a big success this year! The children all enjoyed themselves, participating in lots of different activities. We were very thankful for William De Ferrers for their volunteer pupils who supported our children and provided some of the sporting equipment.
The results were as follows:
Green with 248,
Blue with 236,
Yellow with 195,
Red with 154 points.
Thank you to all our parents for coming and supporting the children. Everyone had a fantastic time.
Last week, Year 6, along with around 900 other Year 6 children from other Essex schools, joined a series of online workshops hosted by Essex Police. These included a range of themes such as: knife awareness, talks by officers on a range of careers in the police, mental health and special appearances by police dogs. Children were able to speak live with a range of officers, including the Chief Constable, Superintendents, Sergeants and Constables and ask them any questions (no matter how small)! The children learned a whole range of information from the day.
We were then lucky enough to gain places for 10 pupils to visit Essex Police Training College last Friday, see the staff in real life they had spoken to online and participate in a range of activities. We were able to see the police dogs in action and find out about how they are trained, watch drone demonstrations, conduct a CSI investigation, find out about the work of the cadets as well as explore a range of the heavy duty equipment and protection the police use. We were also able to have a Q and A session with Fatima Whitbread and the work she does with her children’s charity. We even held her Olympic medals, her MBE award and found out about her adventures on I’m a Celebrity! It was such an amazing day and we took away a lot of special memories from this experience. It really opened the children's eyes into the range of different jobs the police force can offer.
Our Year 6 children visited Hedingham Castle and had a fantastic time learning about its history from 1066 to the present day. They experienced the many rooms including the armoury, dining hall, minstrels gallery, dungeon and the medieval toilet! Trying out all the weapons and armour was a big hit too! Our thanks also go to the informative historians who really helped bring this 900 year old Norman building to life
Our Year 5 classes visited Layer Marney Towers for an Anglo-Saxon Day. The children were able to look and examine real artefacts and learnt how cups were made of ox horn and boiled so they could be moulded into a cup shape. The children also created some Angle-Saxon jewellery and took part in some weaving. Finally, the children held their own Anglo-Saxon court and learned about some of the strange laws that they had such as; it was against the law for a man to sing a love song to someone that was not his wife! Everyone had a great time and even got to see some pigs, chickens and goats that roam the tower gardens.
On Tuesday 6th June, we attended the District Athletics Event, as part of our Games Mark Award, at William De Ferrers. The children were brilliant taking part in different activities, including shot putt, sprinting and standing long jump. Overall, as a school we came 4th and in individual races we have many first, second and third places. Well done Collingwood!
At the start of the Summer Term, as part of our work with ‘PAGES’ and ‘Better Planet Schools’, Collingwood came together to put on the ‘Plastic Fantastic Show’ and what an incredible show it was! The children worked hard to reuse waste plastic materials to create something new - we had money boxes, bird feeders, plant pots, hats and even a giant hammerhead shark! The children strutted their stuff on the catwalk and proved how much fun reusing can be! Well done Collingwood.
Last week we had our Rhythmic Gymnast, Saffron Severn, visit our school. Each class participated in 4 physical activities and then we had an inspiring assembly where the children were lucky enough to see Saffron show of some of her amazing gymnastic movements with a ball.
All of our Year 6 pupils know how to save a life following their afternoon with Maldon and Essex Lifesaving Club.
Year 6 participated in a Dance and Drama Workshop. It was a great way to experience some ways of keeping active. There were some very surprising actors in the improvisation workshop. The accents that appeared in their ‘on the spot’ scenarios (which had been provided by the children) were very entertaining to watch. A great time was had by everyone.
On Thursday 17th April, Year 3 and 4 girls participated in a Lion King themed football event. Chelsea Football club coaches helped us to develop new football skills, we learnt how to dribble, move from side to side, defending and then the girls got to play a mini game. It was great fun with all the girsl being inspired to learn more about playing football.
Year 3 and 4 held a multiplication and spelling workshop. We were able to share with our parents what we use in school to help us with our spellings and the games that we might play for support with learning out timetables .
March - Happy Easter
Happy Easter. Thankyou to everyone at home who helped out with Easter bonnets and colouring competitions, we had some wonderful creations as you can see from our winners.
March - Year 1 Phonics Workshop
The Year 1 children and their parents had a fun learning workshop all about phonics. I think some of the children may have even been teaching their parents a thing or two about phonemes and graphemes.
March - British Sign Language Week
This week we have celebrated British sign language (BSL) week across the school. We have been in contact with a teacher of the Deaf from South Wales (@Hands2Hear on Instagram) who taught us the signs for our school REACH values. We have also taken part in virtual sign language classes provided by 'Signature' where we learnt the signs for the letters of the alphabet, family members and greetings such as good morning.
Can you sign our REACH values? Have a look at the document where the children are showing you the signs.

March - People Who Help Us
Britto Class have had a fun filled week! They launched their ‘People Who Help Us’ unit and had a special visitor come to their class each day to enhance their learning. The children have been so lucky and have met a police emergency call handler, police officers, a nurse and the fire brigade! They each told the children about their jobs and how they can help us when we need them. The children have tried on uniforms, explored important equipment and had the opportunity to ‘ask an expert’. They were amazed to see a real police car and fire engine up close, listening to the different sirens and even having a go at using the fire hose! Britto Class ended their special week with an emergency services themed play session where parents are invited too, it was called a ‘Nee- Naw’ party. All of this was made possible by our amazing parents and community volunteers offering their time and services to us. We are very grateful for your support, thank you very much. What a brilliant week!
March - Science Week
All year groups had a great time celebrating Science Week. They had lots of fun with activities such as static electricity experiments, testing different substances to change the colour of cabbage water and making gloop! We have celebrated and learnt about a range of scientists, increased our scientific knowledge and built on our skills of scientific enquiry. Some children even took part in a wonderful Lego workshop where they got to be creative whilst learning about mini beasts and their habitats.
March - World Book Day
Collingwood Primary School children and staff all enjoyed coming into school in their comfy clothes ready for lots of reading for our World Book Day.
Thank you to our amazing PTA who held another successful Mother's Day sale, the children had lots of fun choosing their special gifts for their special someone.

Collingwood research is published! (February 2024)
February - Ancient Egypt Day
Year 4 visited Ancient Egypt this week. Some of the activities they took part in through out the day included; dressing in traditional clothes, making jewellery and headdresses; writing using hieroglyphics and also tasting foods that the Ancient Egyptians would have eaten. Thank you to all the friends and family who came into help and took part in our day, we hope you enjoyed it as well.
February - Mental Health Week
This week has been Children's Mental Health week. The children have been understanding why their voice matters linked to the Children's Mental Health Week theme. The children have been:
Recognising what matters to them,
Positive aspects of their lives or day,
Writing a gratitude letter to someone not just thanking them but explaining how it made them feel,
Recognising things they are proud of whether it is something at school or at home.
February - Football Tournament
Our boys football team took part in a football tournament held at William De Ferrers Secondary School on 1.2.2024. They had a fantastic time and showed great skill, perseverance and teamwork. Well done boys!
February - Art Gallery
It was wonderful to see so many families joining us at our art gallery on Friday 19th of February, it was a real celebration of skills and creativity! The children were so proud to see their work on display and thoroughly enjoyed looking at the other children’s work too.
We were joined by two members of our local Rotary Club who were so complimentary of not only the gallery and the children’s art skills but also of how supportive they were of each other. The Rotary are running a ‘Young Artist’ competition this year and have selected two pieces from each class to go to the next stage - good luck everyone! Thank you for coming along and sharing our gallery with us.
January - Cricket Festival
Year 2 children took part in a cricket festival at William De Ferrers secondary school with other local primary schools. The children had lots of fun learning new skills and games all about cricket.
January 2024 - Buddy Bootcamp
The children in Years 2 and 3 took part in a Buddy Bootcamp on our school field. The children really enjoyed the various races, the stamina training along with rope and tyre exercises.
We were lucky with the weather and hope they didn’t come home too muddy!