Statutory Information

Copy of Catch Up Premium Funding.docx

How we spend our Catch Up/Recovery funding

website version of Pupil_premium_strategy_statement_April 2024.docx

How we spend our Pupil Premium Funding.

Website Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Funding Reviewed March 24

How we spend our PE and Sports Premium 

No employee at  Collingwood  earns a gross salary of £100,000+

Data_protection_policy and document retention_schedule for Collingwood Jan 24 (1).pdf

GDPR/Data Protection Policy

Copy of model-publication-scheme.pdf

Model Publication Scheme

Copy of privacy_notice_-_staff_SDPOSFeb22.doc

Privacy Notice for staff

Copy of privacy_notice parents_their_childs_data SDPOS Feb 2022.doc

Privacy Notice for Pupils and Families

Copy of privacy_notice_-_governors_volunteers SDPOS_Feb22.doc

Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteers


Freedom of Information Guide


Records Management and Retention Schedule

website Copy of Equality and Accessibility Plan March 2023 - 2026

Equalities Information